Use Shipping Zones to Save on Small Business Shipping Costs
As a shipper, you're probably always wondering how to reduce shipping costs. It's not always an easy job, especially in those cases where you have to balance cost-savings with the need to get your small package shipments to their final destination fast — a task that carries a heftier price tag.
But what if we told you that in many cases you can get your small package shipments delivered on the same day regardless of whether you use ground shipping or express shipping? It's possible if shipping zones are part of your shipping strategy.
What are shipping zones?
Shipping zones (also called postal zones) are areas that carriers ship to throughout the United States. They are grouped by zip codes and each zone (1-8) is measured by the distance from the shipment origin to its destination. Understanding how they work, and how you can benefit from them, can save you money. That is why we have created our How To Reduce Parcel Costs by Understanding Shipping Zones infographic. In this guide, you will learn about:
- How postal zones work and why you should use them to your advantage.
- Variables that can help lower the cost of your small parcel shipping.
- Cost and speed of ground shipping vs express shipping.
- Tips for low-cost shipping for small businesses.
Invest in your small business shipping by learning more about shipping zones
Download the How To Reduce Parcel Costs by Understanding Shipping Zones infographic with shipping zone map to learn when to use ground shipping over express shipping for cost savings and allows your packages to arrive on time to their destination.
If you're ready to speak to an expert, reach out to Worldwide Express today to learn how we can incorporate postal zones into your small business shipping strategy. We can also provide you with a full suite of shipping tools — along with our expertise — to help create efficiencies throughout your entire small business shipping operation. Get a free consultation.