How to Verify Package Delivery Confirmation Through Signature Requirements
Consider the humble signature. It's usually just a few words hastily (and often illegibly) scratched on paper or pixels to identify the signer. For such a small and quickly made thing, the signature is very important, however. For thousands of years, signing your name to something has signified agreement, acceptance and responsibility.
Fast-forward to today, and the signature confirmation can still be a vitally important aspect of your parcel shipping operations. In a time when on-time delivery is not always guaranteed, and package theft is on the rise, a delivery confirmation signature can provide confidence and peace of mind.
Types of UPS Delivery Signature Services
Let's go through the UPS® signed delivery confirmation options that are available to your business through Worldwide Express and when it makes the most sense to use them.
UPS Signature required
When this confirmation method is selected by the shipper, UPS will not deliver the package or shipment without obtaining a signature or other electronic acknowledgment of receipt.
This should be your go-to option when your parcel shipment contains important documents or is of a reasonable value and it's desirable that they be accepted and signed for by the direct recipient. Please note, though, that the signature obtained by a driver does not necessarily need to be the receiver listed on the package. Also give yourself peace of mind when shipping high value items by adding UPS shipping insurance.
Package theft is also on the rise generally and is especially common during the holiday season. Selecting the UPS Signature Required option will help keep “porch pirates” from making off with the shipment!
UPS Adult signature required
When a shipment includes age-restricted contents — such as alcohol or firearms — you must use UPS Adult Signature Required service. The driver will obtain the signature of an adult recipient of at least 21 years of age, and the signature will be viewable through and other UPS online shipping tools.
More UPS Delivery Confirmation Insights
Here are a few other important things to know about delivery confirmation and signature required parcel shipping:
- UPS Signature Tracking is available for Worldwide Express customers who have a valid login that uses their UPS account number through Worldwide Express. You can also request for UPS to send email notifications to package recipients through UPS Quantum View Notify®.
- Due to the ongoing pandemic, UPS's Signature Required guidelines have been temporarily adjusted. Drivers still need to interact with the consignee if a signature is required, and in late June 2021, UPS reinstated the procedure of obtaining a physical signature for applicable shipments. However, in the interest of safety, the consignee may sometimes accept the package without contact. They will, however, still need to acknowledge that UPS is making a delivery and show a government-issued photo ID, if applicable.
- If you don't need a signature but still want proof of delivery, you may request UPS Delivery Confirmation service with your domestic shipments. UPS will mail you a small package shipping confirmation, similar to tracking a package online, once the delivery is completed.
- How do you sign for UPS packages online? Customers who use UPS My Choice® can elect to electronically sign for their shipments.
Get Expert Advice On Signature Required Shipping
It's a great feeling to know that your package delivery arrived to the right location, at the right time and to the right person. That said, if you've gotten the impression that signature required shipments can be a bit complicated these days, you're not wrong!
The shipping pros at Worldwide Express can help you navigate all of your signature required shipments to ensure that they're safely received by your customers. Reach out today to gain the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your valuable shipments are signed, sealed and delivered! And check out our variety of UPS pickup and delivery options to make your shipping more convenient.